Saturday, June 18, 2011

Douche Critics!

This is my rant about modern "movie critics." Who the hell do they think they are? I have decided to fully ignore, boycott and shun all movie critics.

Here is the jist of my beef. Most movie critics however hard they try, still have specific tastes. If they enjoy a good comedy over a drama that is fine but they will be jaded toward any other genre, and thus will give dramas lower ratings and label them "dull" or "boring." Likewise a liberal artsy douche-bag critic will only give movies such as "Black Swan" and "Brokeback Mountain" good reviews. So if there is a lack of dramatic, dark lesbian psycho sex, or an odd tale of homosexual cowboys, it is not deserving of good marks by the fore mentioned bag of douche.

I can see them all now rolling their eyes because the use of CGI is warranted to enhance the fantasy world of "Harry Potter" or "Avatar." Stomping their feet for the use of gratuitous violence, or pouting over having to sit through yet another installment of a story about a "Kung Fu Panda" bear.

So here is my message to all of you big bags of strawberry douche and your cohorts the infamous douche nozzles. Keep your grubby, nasty, ignorant, artsy-fartsy, uni-minded, one-sided, words off of my movie reviews! You are incapable of being open minded and lack imagination. Your parents are probably is to blame by keeping your head out of the clouds. You more than likely did not have much of a childhood.

I am off to see The Green Lantern, another of your supposed bombs!