Friday, February 12, 2010

Pussies in the Military?

My father went through the Navy basic training in 1947. He was yelled at, screamed at, hit, belittled, and embarrassed on a constant basis. My father was tough! After surviving Basic he experienced the Navy as a real man. There were times when he ate rocks for breakfast, tasted his own blood for lunch and dined on loneliness for dinner. He survived 28 years in the military, from Korea to the Middle East. He saw combat and death and spent years away from his family and loved ones. He occasionally reminisces about war and the long lost comrades, but he never wavered.

I went through the Army basic training in 1996, almost 50 years later. At that time I noticed new policies taking place. I saw the poison of the bleeding-hearts and political correctness slide in like a snake into a gopher hole. "No cussing at the trainees!" Barked the new XO. This was implemented as a way to help boost morale. Morale? Since when did morale come before earning it? Comradery is earned. Trust comes in time and the warm fuzzies come after the mission is over! There are several reasons why a lazidazical training regime and sensitivity should not be used to train military troops.

Basic training is a "weeding out" process. It is supposed to be hard! The pussies are weeded out. The trainees that can not cut stress in a non-combat situation should be shown the door. Good riddance! These soldiers that get through basic unscathed by the NCO's are only a liability to themselves and others. These soldiers freeze up in real combat situations and end up killed or in friendly-fire shootouts.

Soldiers that are not properly prepared for combat are more likely to suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I am not a doctor or practice psychology. But I can see that those that can handle stress and are able to compartmentalize and debrief there experiences are better off down the road.

So lets separate the men from the pussies. Keep them both safe by making the screening and training a lot tougher. Yell, scream and hit them. If they break, show them the door and make them thank you for saving their lives. If they make it, feel comfortable in turning them loose to be real soldiers.

Join me and email your U.S. Senators and tell them to vote on legislation to make Basic Training in all services tougher. Tell them that we don't want our pansies getting themselves or others killed. We do not want our tax dollars spent putting them through a life of psychotropic drugs and counseling.

Save the Pussies!

-Lobby Bobby

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