Saturday, March 6, 2010

Keep Your Hands off My Identity Crisis

I recently read an article about the horrible prejudices that still exist in the world. Remember the days of segregated schools? It seems like only yesterday that Rosa Parks was arrested for not moving to the back of the bus. Any black looking to relieve his thirst from the blistering heat sure as hell better find himself a colored drinking fountain or summarily receive a well-deserved beat down.

I used to think that those days were relegated to a dark and shameful past, but the venomous rage underlying society’s backward and self-righteous mores still poisons the innocent among us in daily life. There is an unfortunate minority which still has its face stomped into the dirt when it comes to a basic freedom. A fundamental right is being deprived of some of our fellow citizens while we sit idly on our hands and ignore the stark signs of oppression flaunted mockingly in our faces. What right is being undermined you ask – the right to go to the bathroom!

Racial and gender discrimination are institutionalized societal norms that often hog the spotlight from other equally abhorrent practices, such as biological discrimination. Requiring an individual to conform his/her/its biology to a specific restroom is discrimination of the greatest concern. Every person should be free to use the restroom without the impeding parameters of biological function. Sexual identity is what matters, not what sort of ‘equipment’ one has. Save your concern for genitalia for when you jack off to gay porn tonight. In the meantime keep your hands off my sexual identity, and let me decide what restroom is anatomically correct.

This discriminatory ideology has pervaded many aspects of life, just look at the public school system. Not only is it expected that boys use only the boys’ restroom (what is a boy, anyways?), but boys are prevented from girls’ sports and PE classes. That is just the tip of the iceberg. Don’t get me started on professional sports.

Although I do not belong to this insular minority, I sympathize. In reaction to the suffering of my fellow citizens, I have compiled a short list of why I wish society was more understanding of the individual’s right to sexual identity freed from the constraints of an oppressive majority. Here are some reasons why I should self-identify as a female:

1) Girl bathrooms are cleaner.
2) I could have made the soccer team.
3) Naked girls instead of boys in the locker room.
4) Would have always gotten an A in PE.
5) In a room full of girls I would hopefully be the most endowed.
6) A pickle party would not necessarily be a bad thing.
7) I get all the emotional benefits of being a woman without the bloody mess.
8) I can buy all the shoes I want guilt-free.

I could go on and on and on. Is there any reason to limit use of bathrooms based on biology? Of course not. I hope that you will hold hands with me as I show my contempt for this discriminatory practice. I am going to show my support for the right to choose for myself which bathroom I want to use by using only female restrooms and locker rooms. But whichever bathroom you choose, if you are going to hold hands with me, please be sure to wash them.

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