Saturday, May 15, 2010

Wanted! Superheroes, All Shifts Available!!!

Being a superhero fanatic, you would think all my posts would be pertaining to Superman or any of the latest caped crusader movies scattering the movie market. The fact of the matter is, comic book geeks and hero fanatics get crucified along with extreme right wingers and religious weirdos.

(Sarcastically) We must all be geeky nerds living in our parents basements eating hot pockets and masturbating to Internet porn. We are all overweight, have bad hygiene and play war craft till the early am hours. We sleep till we wake up hungry and raid the fridge late in the afternoon. We save our money for trips to comicon and startrek conventions. Everything we talk about centers on whether or not specific aspects of a superhero could be possible as well as lengthy discussions on things like time travel and what we think a girl-boob feels like.


I am NOT overweight, I OWN my house and HAVE a beautiful wife. I have MANY friends with whom I socialize with OUTSIDE of work. I DO look at porn but who doesn't? I have NEVER been to a comic book or startrek convention. Although I might have had a few conversations with my friends about time travel and girls, but it stays within the realm of thought.

I like to believe that the idea of someone putting aside their personal desires to protect and defend those who cannot defend themselves is something that everyone can connect with. I have been a soldier and a police officer. I have stared in the eyes of people who want to do you harm just for breathing. We need heroes and they need people who support them.

Just because our real heroes come in the form of soldiers, cops, fire fighters, teachers, parents and other selfless roles doesn't mean we can't idolize the men and women in tights. They symbolize the real heroes.... We need more real heroes! As Kick Ass said, "Why hasn't anyone tried to become a superhero?" Well get off your asses and do something heroic!

-Anonymous Superhero Geek

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